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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-06-14 16:11:01   發(fā)布人:http://www.liqun518.com
1、 有些緣由的水壓低,不用定用增壓泵:
1. For some reasons, the water pressure is low and the booster pump is not required.
構成水壓?jiǎn)?wèn)題的緣由有許多,假設是像老房用水箱水壓力缺乏等緣由,可以經(jīng)過(guò)設備增壓泵來(lái)處置。而比如管道老化梗塞、90度彎頭過(guò)多等也會(huì )構成水量減小,但這些緣由構成的水壓低,增壓泵的改良作用就很有限了。另外,假設設備了處置量較小的凈水器,用水量過(guò)大也會(huì )呈現水流質(zhì)變小,有些用戶(hù)就想當然地方案裝個(gè)增壓泵,當然也是沒(méi)有作用的。
There are many reasons for the formation of water pressure problems, such as the lack of water pressure in the water tank of the old house, which can be disposed of by a booster pump. For example, pipeline aging infarction, excessive 90 degree elbows and so on will also constitute a decrease in water volume, but these reasons constitute a low water pressure, booster pump improvement is limited. In addition, assuming that the equipment has a smaller disposal capacity of water purifier, excessive water consumption will also show a smaller water quality, some users take it for granted that the local plan to install a booster pump, of course, is also ineffective.
2. Choose the type according to the details:
增壓泵有個(gè)特征,當管道水量跟不上水泵流量或者超越水泵流量時(shí),增壓作用會(huì )不明顯。所以選購增壓泵要根據詳細狀況來(lái)決議類(lèi)型,比如承壓式電熱水器由于其設備特別,就需求流量較大的水泵,否則難以起到作用。
Supercharging pump has a characteristic, when the pipeline water can not keep up with the pump flow or exceed the pump flow, the effect of supercharging will not be obvious. Therefore, the choice of supercharged pumps should be based on the detailed situation to determine the type, such as the confined electric water heater because of its special equipment, the demand for larger flow pumps, otherwise it is difficult to play a role.
The main parameters of the pump are power, head, flow, etc. In order to cater to customers'psychology of pursuing high parameters, many manufacturers often inject a lot of water into marking parameters. There are also those hot water booster pumps, there are no good business directly to the room temperature as hot water. Such pumps have been used in hot water environment for a long time, which can shorten the service life of pumps, and cause short circuit of power lines and fire.
假設條件允許的話(huà),倡議用戶(hù)在購置的時(shí)分應該盡量選擇比擬好的牌子,同時(shí)用戶(hù)也必定要向商家詳細理解家用自來(lái)水增壓泵的理論參數,然后根據本人的理論出產(chǎn)需求來(lái)選擇。假設依然擔憂(yōu)商家不照實(shí)奉告,還有個(gè)小訣竅,就是看體積和重量。普通狀況下,體積小、重量輕的水泵理論參數不會(huì )比擬大較重的水泵高。
Assuming that conditions permit, users should try their best to choose a comparable brand when purchasing. At the same time, users must understand the theoretical parameters of household tap water booster pump in detail to the merchants, and then choose according to their theoretical production demand. Assuming that businesses are still worried about not telling the truth, there's another trick: look at volume and weight. Under normal conditions, the theoretical parameters of small size and light weight pumps are not higher than those of large and heavy pumps.
The working principle of the tap water booster pump is similar to that of the pressure booster, which exerts a very low pressure on the large diameter air-driven piston. When this pressure acts on a small area piston, a high pressure occurs.
經(jīng)過(guò)一個(gè)二位五通氣控換向閥,增壓泵可以完成接連運轉。由單向閥操控的高壓柱塞不時(shí)的將液體排出,增壓泵的出口壓力大小與空氣驅動(dòng)壓力有關(guān)。當驅動(dòng)局部和輸出液體局部之間的壓力抵達均衡時(shí),增壓泵會(huì )中止運轉,不再消耗空氣。當輸出壓力降落或空氣驅動(dòng)壓力增加時(shí),增壓泵會(huì )主動(dòng)發(fā)起運轉,直到再次抵達壓力均衡后主動(dòng)中止。
Through a two-position five-ventilation controlled reversing valve, the booster pump can complete continuous operation. The high-pressure plunger controlled by one-way valve discharges liquid from time to time. The outlet pressure of the booster pump is related to the air driving pressure. When the pressure between the driving part and the output part reaches equilibrium, the booster pump will stop running and no longer consume air. When the output pressure drops or the air-driven pressure increases, the booster pump will actively start operation until it reaches the pressure equilibrium again.
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